Personal Recommendations:



Arch Linux or Artix Linux. Will write about them soon...

Window Manager

I highly recommend suckless's dwm, because it is extremely lightweight, fast and highly customizable. The are several drawbacks such as lack of documentation and patches (you usually have to install patches manually by editing the code).


st(simple terminal) - suckless terminal. St supports UTF-8 characters, emojis(install libxft-bgra). I personally use Luke Smith's build of st. Will probably make my own soon.

Text & Code Editor

Neovim and vim can improve your productivity.

Web Browser

Firefox is an open-source web browser. You can extend it with some extensions:

  • uBlock Origin - ad and tracking blocking
  • Using Multi Account Containers, you can be logged in multiple accounts at the same time and keep tracking websites separate from each other.
  • Bitwarden is a private, decentralized, and open-source password manager.
  • OneTab helps you to organize your tabs
  • Dark Reader turns on dark mode in almost every website.

Media Player

mpv is a lightweight, open-source, and reliable media player. You can play YouTube and other internet videos using mpv simply by installing youtube-dl.

Music Player

cmus is a lightweight music player with vim key bindings.

