About me

Hi! My real name is Amirlan Sharipov. I am a young seeker of knowledge and also an Information Security enthusiast looking for my first job.

Contact me at rin(AT)rinri-d(D0T)xyz, and I will send you my CV.


Linux & InfoSec

I use Linux as my desktop OS(currently using arch, btw) for more than 3-years and use Debian on my VPS for hosting my website, e-mail server, Gitea, and Nextcloud instances. I configured tons of software like Nginx, OpenVPN, databases(MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB), Gitea, Nextcloud on my server, and many programs on my desktop OS(dotfiles and software I use are available on my Gitea instance).

I enjoy solving interesting CTF challenges on web application security, reverse engineering, forensics, etc. I completed some wargames like Overthewire's bandit on Linux and scripting, many CTFlearn, and picoCTF challenges. Currently, I am solving Overthewire's Natas on web application security, Hackthebox, and hacking on my home lab.

Competitive programming

In high school, I studied Competitive programming, data structures, and algorithms. I won several Olympiads in Informatics, such as International Zhautykov Olympiad, Kazakhstan National Olympiad. While competing in Olympiads, I developed beneficial skills like problem-solving, creativity, and debugging. Competitive programming taught me many code techniques for developing optimized and fast programs.

Web Development

As for Web Development, I developed several websites and web applications like an e-commerce website(online shop) and a Blog app on my website. Their source code is available on Gitea and GitHub. I used different technologies: PHP and MySQL for e-commerce and Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB for the Blog app.