import re, os, vim, string, random from collections import deque, namedtuple _Placeholder = namedtuple("_FrozenPlaceholder", ["current_text", "start", "end"]) _VisualContent = namedtuple("_VisualContent", ["mode", "text"]) _Position = namedtuple("_Position", ["line", "col"]) class _SnippetUtilCursor(object): def __init__(self, cursor): self._cursor = [cursor[0] - 1, cursor[1]] self._set = False def preserve(self): self._set = True self._cursor = [vim.buf.cursor[0], vim.buf.cursor[1]] def is_set(self): return self._set def set(self, line, column): self.__setitem__(0, line) self.__setitem__(1, column) def to_vim_cursor(self): return (self._cursor[0] + 1, self._cursor[1]) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._cursor[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self._set = True self._cursor[index] = value def __len__(self): return 2 def __str__(self): return str((self._cursor[0], self._cursor[1])) class IndentUtil(object): """Utility class for dealing properly with indentation.""" def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): """Gets the spacing properties from Vim.""" self.shiftwidth = int( vim.eval("exists('*shiftwidth') ? shiftwidth() : &shiftwidth") ) self._expandtab = vim.eval("&expandtab") == "1" self._tabstop = int(vim.eval("&tabstop")) def ntabs_to_proper_indent(self, ntabs): """Convert 'ntabs' number of tabs to the proper indent prefix.""" line_ind = ntabs * self.shiftwidth * " " line_ind = self.indent_to_spaces(line_ind) line_ind = self.spaces_to_indent(line_ind) return line_ind def indent_to_spaces(self, indent): """Converts indentation to spaces respecting Vim settings.""" indent = indent.expandtabs(self._tabstop) right = (len(indent) - len(indent.rstrip(" "))) * " " indent = indent.replace(" ", "") indent = indent.replace("\t", " " * self._tabstop) return indent + right def spaces_to_indent(self, indent): """Converts spaces to proper indentation respecting Vim settings.""" if not self._expandtab: indent = indent.replace(" " * self._tabstop, "\t") return indent class SnippetUtil(object): """Provides easy access to indentation, etc. This is the 'snip' object in python code. """ def __init__(self, _initial_indent, start, end, context): self._ind = IndentUtil() self._visual = _VisualContent( vim.eval("visualmode()"), vim.eval('get(g:,"coc_selected_text","")') ) self._initial_indent = _initial_indent self._reset("") self._start = start self._end = end self._context = context def _reset(self, cur): """Gets the snippet ready for another update. :cur: the new value for c. """ self._ind.reset() self._cur = cur self._rv = "" self._changed = False self.reset_indent() def shift(self, amount=1): """Shifts the indentation level. Note that this uses the shiftwidth because thats what code formatters use. :amount: the amount by which to shift. """ self.indent += " " * self._ind.shiftwidth * amount def unshift(self, amount=1): """Unshift the indentation level. Note that this uses the shiftwidth because thats what code formatters use. :amount: the amount by which to unshift. """ by = -self._ind.shiftwidth * amount try: self.indent = self.indent[:by] except IndexError: self.indent = "" def mkline(self, line="", indent=""): """Creates a properly set up line. :line: the text to add :indent: the indentation to have at the beginning if None, it uses the default amount """ return indent + line def reset_indent(self): """Clears the indentation.""" self.indent = self._initial_indent # Utility methods @property def fn(self): # pylint:disable=no-self-use,invalid-name """The filename.""" return vim.eval('expand("%:t")') or "" @property def basename(self): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """The filename without extension.""" return vim.eval('expand("%:t:r")') or "" @property def ft(self): # pylint:disable=invalid-name """The filetype.""" return self.opt("&filetype", "") @property def rv(self): # pylint:disable=invalid-name """The return value. The text to insert at the location of the placeholder. """ return self._rv @rv.setter def rv(self, value): # pylint:disable=invalid-name """See getter.""" self._changed = True self._rv = value @property def _rv_changed(self): """True if rv has changed.""" return self._changed @property def c(self): # pylint:disable=invalid-name """The current text of the placeholder.""" return "" @property def v(self): # pylint:disable=invalid-name """Content of visual expansions.""" return self._visual @property def p(self): if "coc_last_placeholder" in vim.vars: p = vim.vars["coc_last_placeholder"] start = _Position(p["start"]["line"], p["start"]["col"]) end = _Position(p["end"]["line"], p["end"]["col"]) return _Placeholder(p["current_text"], start, end) return None @property def context(self): return self._context def opt(self, option, default=None): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """Gets a Vim variable.""" if vim.eval("exists('%s')" % option) == "1": try: return vim.eval(option) except vim.error: pass return default def __add__(self, value): """Appends the given line to rv using mkline.""" self.rv += "\n" # pylint:disable=invalid-name self.rv += self.mkline(value) return self def __lshift__(self, other): """Same as unshift.""" self.unshift(other) def __rshift__(self, other): """Same as shift.""" self.shift(other) @property def snippet_start(self): """ Returns start of the snippet in format (line, column). """ return self._start @property def snippet_end(self): """ Returns end of the snippet in format (line, column). """ return self._end @property def buffer(self): return vim.buf class ContextSnippet(object): def __init__(self): self.buffer = vim.current.buffer self.window = vim.current.window self.cursor = _SnippetUtilCursor(vim.current.window.cursor) self.line ="line", ".") - 1 self.column ="col", ".") - 1 line ="getline", ".") self.after = line[self.column :] if "coc_selected_text" in vim.vars: self.visual_mode = vim.eval("visualmode()") self.visual_text = vim.vars["coc_selected_text"] else: self.visual_mode = None self.visual_text = "" if "coc_last_placeholder" in vim.vars: p = vim.vars["coc_last_placeholder"] start = _Position(p["start"]["line"], p["start"]["col"]) end = _Position(p["end"]["line"], p["end"]["col"]) self.last_placeholder = _Placeholder(p["current_text"], start, end) else: self.last_placeholder = None