# coc-json Json language server extension for [coc.nvim](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim). The server code is extracted from VSCode, which uses [vscode-json-languageservice](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vscode-json-languageservice) ## Install In your vim/neovim, run the following command: ``` :CocInstall coc-json ``` ## Features Same as VSCode. All features of [vscode-json-languageservice](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vscode-json-languageservice) are supported. - `doCompletion` for JSON properties and values based on the document's JSON schema. - `doHover` for values based on descriptions in the document's JSON schema. - Document Symbols for quick navigation to properties in the document. - Document Colors for showing color decorators on values representing colors. - Code Formatting supporting ranges and formatting the whole document. - Diagnostics (Validation) are pushed for all open documents - syntax errors - structural validation based on the document's JSON schema. ## Commands - `json.retryResolveSchema`: Retry resolve schema of current buffer. ## Configuration options - `json.enable` set to `false` to disable json language server. - `json.trace.server` trace LSP traffic in output channel. - `json.execArgv` add `execArgv` to `child_process.fork` used for start json language server. - `json.format.enable` set to `false` to disable format. - `json.schemas` schema associations for json files. ## FAQ ### How to suppress error `[json 521] [e] Comments are not permitted in JSON`? You can configure your vim to make that file with jsonc filetype to allow comment. ### How to add custom schema definitions/properties? You have two choices: - use `$schema` in your json. - create json schema file and then configure `json.schemes` in your `coc-settings.json`, check out https://github.com/neoclide/coc-json/blob/master/package.json#L55 ### Quotes are hidden? This is not caused by coc-json, you may checkout the `conceallevel` option. ## License MIT