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4 years ago
  1. # vim language server extension
  2. > [vim-language-server](
  3. > extension for coc.nvim
  4. ![image](
  5. ## Features
  6. - auto completion
  7. - function signature help
  8. - hover document
  9. - go to definition
  10. - go to references
  11. - document highlight
  12. - folding range
  13. - select range
  14. - rename
  15. - snippets
  16. - diagnostic
  17. ## Install
  18. ``` vim
  19. :CocInstall coc-vimlsp
  20. ```
  21. ## Config
  22. document highlight:
  23. ``` vim
  24. let g:markdown_fenced_languages = [
  25. \ 'vim',
  26. \ 'help'
  27. \]
  28. ```
  29. coc-settings.json
  30. - `vimlsp.trace.server`
  31. > "description": "Trace level of vim language server"
  32. - `vimlsp.debug`: default: false
  33. > "description": "enable coc-vimlsp service debug"
  34. - `vimlsp.diagnostic.enable`: default: true
  35. > "description": "enable diagnostic"
  36. - `vimlsp.indexes.runtimepath`: default: true
  37. > "description": "if index vim's runtimepath files, this will effect the suggest"
  38. - `vimlsp.indexes.count`: default: 3
  39. > "description": "count of files index at the same time, change to greater will speed up index but will cause high CPU usage for some time"
  40. - ``: default: 100
  41. > "description": "time gap between parse file, change to smaller will speed up index but will cause high CPU usage for some time"
  42. - `vimlsp.indexes.projectRootPatterns`: default: [".git", "autoload", "plugin"]
  43. > "description": "Names of files used as the mark of project root."
  44. - `vimlsp.suggest.fromVimruntime`: `default`: true
  45. > "description": "completeitems from runtimepath's vim files, if this is true that fromVimruntime is true" > },
  46. - `vimlsp.suggest.fromRuntimepath`: default: false
  47. > "description": "completeitems from runtimepath's vim files, if this is true that fromVimruntime is true"
  48. **Note**: while `fromRuntimepath` is true, if you have install too many plugins it will slow down the complete
  49. ### Buy Me A Coffee ☕️
  50. ![btc](
  51. ![image](