My dmenu build
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。

99 行
2.6 KiB

  1. .TH DMENU 1 dmenu-VERSION
  2. .SH NAME
  3. dmenu \- dynamic menu
  5. .B dmenu
  6. .RB [ \-b ]
  7. .RB [ \-fn " <font>"]
  8. .RB [ \-nb " <color>"]
  9. .RB [ \-nf " <color>"]
  10. .RB [ \-p " <prompt>"]
  11. .RB [ \-sb " <color>"]
  12. .RB [ \-sf " <color>"]
  13. .RB [ \-t " <seconds>"]
  14. .RB [ \-v ]
  16. .SS Overview
  17. dmenu is a generic menu for X, originally designed for
  18. .BR dwm (1).
  19. It manages huge amounts (up to 10.000 and more) of user defined menu items
  20. efficiently.
  21. .SS Options
  22. .TP
  23. .B \-b
  24. makes dmenu appear at the screen bottom (by default it appears at the screen top).
  25. .TP
  26. .B \-fn <font>
  27. defines the font.
  28. .TP
  29. .B \-nb <color>
  30. defines the normal background color (#RGB, #RRGGBB, and color names are supported).
  31. .TP
  32. .B \-nf <color>
  33. defines the normal foreground color (#RGB, #RRGGBB, and color names are supported).
  34. .TP
  35. .B \-p <prompt>
  36. defines a prompt to be displayed before the input area.
  37. .TP
  38. .B \-sb <color>
  39. defines the selected background color (#RGB, #RRGGBB, and color names are supported).
  40. .TP
  41. .B \-sf <color>
  42. defines the selected foreground color (#RGB, #RRGGBB, and color names are supported).
  43. .TP
  44. .B \-t <seconds>
  45. defines the seconds to wait for standard input, before exiting (default is 3).
  46. .TP
  47. .B \-v
  48. prints version information to standard output, then exits.
  49. .SH USAGE
  50. dmenu reads a list of newline-separated items from standard input and creates a
  51. menu. When the user selects an item or enters any text and presses Return, his/her
  52. choice is printed to standard output and dmenu terminates.
  53. .P
  54. dmenu is completely controlled by the keyboard. The following keys are recognized:
  55. .TP
  56. .B Any printable character
  57. Appends the character to the text in the input field. This works as a filter:
  58. only items containing this text will be displayed.
  59. .TP
  60. .B Left/Right (Mod1-h/Mod1-l)
  61. Select the previous/next item.
  62. .TP
  63. .B PageUp/PageDown (Mod1-k/Mod1-j)
  64. Select the first item of the previous/next 'page' of items.
  65. .TP
  66. .B Home/End (Mod1-g/Mod1-G)
  67. Select the first/last item.
  68. .TP
  69. .B Tab (Control-i)
  70. Copy the selected item to the input field.
  71. .TP
  72. .B Return (Control-j)
  73. Confirm selection and quit (print the selected item to standard output). Returns
  74. .B 0
  75. on termination.
  76. .TP
  77. .B Shift-Return (Control-Shift-j)
  78. Confirm selection and quit (print the text in the input field to standard output).
  79. Returns
  80. .B 0
  81. on termination.
  82. .TP
  83. .B Escape (Control-bracketleft)
  84. Quit without selecting an item. Returns
  85. .B 1
  86. on termination.
  87. .TP
  88. .B Backspace (Control-h)
  89. Remove enough characters from the input field to change its filtering effect.
  90. .TP
  91. .B Control-u
  92. Remove all characters from the input field.
  93. .TP
  94. .B Control-w
  95. Remove all characters of current word from the input field.
  96. .SH SEE ALSO
  97. .BR dwm (1),
  98. .BR wmii (1) .