Week 2 - Concurrency and Parallelism

Distributed Systems and Network Programming - Spring 2023


Your tasks for this lab:

Server Implementation

Client Implementation

The client does the following:

  1. Connect to the TCP server multiple times to download 5000 images, one by one.
  2. Download the images to a directory called frames (creating the directory if it does not exist).
  3. Create a GIF by combining the downloaded frames.
  4. Use time module to calculate the total time taken for frame download and GIF generation.

Your task

  1. Once you understand how the client code works, start by writing the server.
  2. Once the server works fine. It’s time to optimize the runtime of the client.
  3. Use threading to spawn multiple threads that download the required frames concurrently.
  4. Use multiprocessing to spawn multiple processes (not more that your CPU core count) to process the frames in parallel to create the GIF faster. You may use multiprocessing.Pool() to achieve the task.
  5. Check the time taken in each stage and verify that the client runtime was improved.

Example run

$ python3 NameSurname_server.py
Listening on
Sent an image to (, 50125)
Sent an image to (, 58754)

# Before optimizing client
$ python3 NameSurname_client.py
Frames download time: 25.516422748565674
GIF creation time: 30.278062343597412

# After optimizing client
$ python3 NameSurname_client.py
Frames download time: 18.751099348068237
GIF creation time: 9.695139408111572


Your submitted code should satisfy the following requirements. Failing to satisfy an item will result in partial grade deduction or an assignment failure (depending on the severity).