Nie możesz wybrać więcej, niż 25 tematów Tematy muszą się zaczynać od litery lub cyfry, mogą zawierać myślniki ('-') i mogą mieć do 35 znaków.

203 wiersze
2.5 KiB

  1. .TH cuetools 1
  2. .
  3. .SH NAME
  4. cueprint
  5. .
  7. cueprint \- print disc and track infomation for a cue or toc file
  8. .
  10. .B cueprint
  11. [option...] [file...]
  12. .
  14. .TP
  15. .B \-h, \--help
  16. print usage information
  17. .
  18. .TP
  19. .B \-i, \--input-format cue|toc
  20. set format of file(s)
  21. .
  22. .TP
  23. .B \-n, \--track-number <number>
  24. only print track information for single track. The default is to print information for all tracks.
  25. .
  26. .TP
  27. .B \-d, \--disc-template <template>
  28. set disc template (see TEMPLATE EXPANSION)
  29. .
  30. .TP
  31. .B \-t, \--track-template <template>
  32. set track template (see TEMPLATE EXPANSION)
  33. .
  34. .TP
  35. .B \--version
  36. print version information
  37. .
  39. All characters in the template are reproduced in the output except for conversions, which begin with `%'.
  40. .PP
  41. A conversion has the form `%[flags][width][.precision]<conversion\-char>'.
  42. .PP
  43. There may be zero or more of the following flags:
  44. .
  45. .TP
  46. .B \-
  47. left justification
  48. .
  49. .TP
  50. .B +
  51. place sign before numbers
  52. .
  53. .TP
  54. .B ` '
  55. (space) place a space before a positive number
  56. .
  57. .TP
  58. .B 0
  59. pad with zeros
  60. .
  61. .TP
  62. .B #
  63. (unused)
  64. .
  65. .PP
  66. width is the minimum field width. precision is the maximum width for strings.
  67. .PP
  68. Disc template expansion characters are valid for both the disc and track templates.
  69. .PP
  70. .B Disc Conversion Specifiers
  71. .
  72. .TP
  73. .B A
  74. album arranger
  75. .
  76. .TP
  77. .B C
  78. album composer
  79. .
  80. .TP
  81. .B G
  82. album genre
  83. .
  84. .TP
  85. .B M
  86. album message
  87. .
  88. .TP
  89. .B N
  90. number of tracks
  91. .
  92. .TP
  93. .B P
  94. album performer
  95. .
  96. .TP
  97. .B S
  98. album songwriter
  99. .
  100. .TP
  101. .B T
  102. album title
  103. .
  104. .TP
  105. .B U
  106. album UPC/EAN
  107. .
  108. .PP
  109. .B Track Conversion Specifiers
  110. .
  111. .TP
  112. .B a
  113. track arranger
  114. .
  115. .TP
  116. .B c
  117. track composer
  118. .
  119. .TP
  120. .B g
  121. track genre
  122. .
  123. .TP
  124. .B i
  125. track ISRC
  126. .
  127. .TP
  128. .B m
  129. track message
  130. .
  131. .TP
  132. .B n
  133. track number
  134. .
  135. .TP
  136. .B p
  137. track perfomer
  138. .
  139. .TP
  140. .B t
  141. track title
  142. .
  143. .TP
  144. .B u
  145. track ISRC (CD-TEXT)
  146. .
  147. .PP
  148. Any other character is expanded to that character. For example, a % expands to a literal `%'.
  149. .
  150. .SH ESCAPES
  151. The following single-character escapes are recognized:
  152. .
  153. .TP
  154. .B \ea
  155. alert (bell)
  156. .
  157. .TP
  158. .B \eb
  159. backspace
  160. .
  161. .TP
  162. .B \ef
  163. formfeed
  164. .
  165. .TP
  166. .B \en
  167. newline
  168. .
  169. .TP
  170. .B \er
  171. carriage return
  172. .
  173. .TP
  174. .B \et
  175. horizontal tab
  176. .
  177. .TP
  178. .B \ev
  179. vertial tab
  180. .
  181. .TP
  182. .B \e0
  183. NULL
  184. .
  185. .SH NOTES
  186. If no files are specified, stdin is used. If a filename is specified and the format is not specified, the format will be set based on a ".cue" or ".toc" suffix.
  187. .
  189. To display disc and track information (using the default template for both), run:
  190. .PP
  191. % cueprint album.cue
  192. .PP
  193. To print the number of tracks in a cue file, run:
  194. .PP
  195. % cueprint -d '%N\en' album.cue
  196. .
  197. .SH AUTHOR
  198. Svend Sorensen
  199. .
  200. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  201. cueconvert(1),
  202. cuebreakpoints(1)