.TH cuetools 1 . .SH NAME cueconvert . .SH DESCRIPTION cueconvert \- convert between the cue and toc formats . .SH SYNTAX .B cueconvert [\-h] [\-i cue|toc] [\-o cue|toc] [infile [outfile]] . .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h print usage information . .TP .B \-i cue|toc set format of input file . .TP .B \-o cue|toc set format of output file . .SH NOTES If infile or outfile is not specified, stdin and stdout are used, respectively. If a filename is specified and the format is not specified, the format will be set based on a ".cue" or ".toc" suffix. If the output file format is not specified, and it cannot be determined from the suffix, it will be set to the opposite of the input format. . .SH AUTHOR Svend Sorensen . .SH "SEE ALSO" cuebreakpoints(1), cueprint(1)