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cuebreakpoints.man 662 B

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  1. .TH cuetools 1
  2. .
  3. .SH NAME
  4. cuebreakpoints
  5. .
  7. cuebreakpoints \- print the breakpoints from a cue or toc file
  8. .
  10. .B cuebreakpoints
  11. [option...] [file...]
  12. .
  14. .TP
  15. .B \-h, \--help
  16. print usage information
  17. .
  18. .TP
  19. .B \-i, \--input-format cue|toc
  20. set format of file(s)
  21. .
  22. .SH NOTES
  23. The breakpoints are in a format usable by shnsplit (part of the shntool package). A track breakpoint is at index 1.
  24. .PP
  25. If no files are specified, stdin is used. If a filename is specified and the format is not specified, the format will be set based on a ".cue" or ".toc" suffix.
  26. .
  27. .SH AUTHOR
  28. Svend Sorensen
  29. .
  30. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  31. cueconvert(1),
  32. cueprint(1)