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vor 20 Jahren
  1. .TH cuetools 1
  2. .SH NAME
  3. cueconvert
  5. cueconvert converts between the cue and toc formats
  7. cueconvert [-h] [-i cue|toc] [-o cue|toc] [infile [outfile]]
  9. .TP
  10. .B \-h
  11. print usage information
  12. .TP
  13. .B \-i cue|toc
  14. set format of input file
  15. .TP
  16. .B \-i cue|toc
  17. set format of output file
  18. .SH NOTES
  19. If infile or outfile is not specified, stdin and stdout are used, respectively. If a filename is specified and the format is not specified, the format will be set based on a ".cue" or ".toc" suffix. If the output file format is not specified, and it cannot be determined from the suffix, it will be set to the opposite of the input format.
  20. .SH AUTHOR
  21. Svend Sorensen <sorensen@freeshell.org>
  22. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  23. cuebreakpoints(1),
  24. cueprint(1)