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  1. ===============
  2. cuetools README
  3. ===============
  4. :Author: Svend Sorensen
  5. :Contact: sorensen@users.berlios.de
  6. :Website: http://cuetools.berlios.de
  7. Description
  8. -----------
  9. cuetools is a set of utilities for working with Cue Sheet (cue) and Table of
  10. Contents (toc) files.
  11. It includes:
  12. cueconvert
  13. convert between the cue and toc formats
  14. cuebreakpoints
  15. print the breakpoints from a cue or toc file
  16. cueprint
  17. print disc and track infomation for a cue or toc file
  18. Installation
  19. ------------
  20. Building requires GNU Make, Lex, and Yacc. GNU Bison works in Yacc mode
  21. (``make YACC="bison -y"``).
  22. Run ``make install`` to install cuetools into the default location of
  23. /usr/local. The Makefiles also support both the prefix and DESTDIR variables.