
Pong reimagined. Poorly reimagined.

The basics:

As easy as riding a bike

*if you can ride a bike

Default controls for player 1:

Default controls for player 2:

# Playing To play the game on Linux, just launch the ./ and enjoy the game! To play on Linux like a normie, you can Download the latest release (may be outdated compared to the source version) To play on Windows, download and install Love, then, ZIP the entire game, rename it to, and run it with LOVE. To play an old, outdated EXE version on Windows, head to my website, and download the old, outdated game. # Changes

0.7.6 is here! With this update, I improved the AI, allowing it to follow 2 balls at the same time! I also added "Smart" difficulty, where the AI uses physics and math to pre-calculate where the ball is going to land. Alpha-testing of the Online gameplay is now here, although its stupid and doesnt work.