--CALLING OTHER LUA FILES require "src/dependencies" io.stdout:setvbuf("no") --CANCELLED ATTEMPETED SHADING (NOT WORKING) local shader_code = [[ vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image image, vec2 uvs, vec2 screen_coords) { vec4 pixel = Texel(image,uvs); return pixel * color; } ]] debug = true --GLOBAL VARIABLES gameMode = "normal" ts = 0 globalState = "menu" timeIsSlow = false timeIsSlow2 = false originalSpeed = 200 explosionRange = 0 blockinput = false wall1width = 30 nuclearanimation = 3 easternum = 0 ball_DIR = 0 updaterate = 0.015 RED = 255 hitNum = {} hitNum[1] = 0 hitNum[2] = 0 hitNum[3] = 0 confirmation = "N" hitNum[4] = 0 p1bonus = 0 p2bonus = 0 hitNum[5] = 0 hitNum[6] = 0 GREEN = 255 IP = '' BLUE = 255 updateTEXT = "Chalkboard Update" maxBalls = 1 playerCount = 1 player1reverbav = 0 playertext = "1v1" player2reverbav = 0 elapsed = 0 rotation = 0 TEXT = "Nuclear Pong" currentKey = " " ptw = 10 --CHECKING IF CONTROLS ARE TAKEN danger = "none" danger2 = "none" nuckemodactive = 0 maxspeed = 700 DIFFERENCE_X = 1 DIFFERENCE_Y = 1 paddle_SPEED = 20 textamount = 15 AI_STRIKEMOD = 1000 resolutionWin = 0 AGAINST_AI = 0 RESOLUTION_SET = 0 AI_NUKEMOD = 1000 animstart = true AI_SPEED = 30 craz = 0 AI_LEVEL = 500 isFullscreen = 0 prtext = "Easy" lastSentKey = "c" MAP_TYPE = 0 lastSentKeyClient = "c" difficultyl = 300 req = "pp" ballSet = 200 p1control = {up = "a", down = "z", super = "s", counter = "x"} p2control = {up = ";", down = ".", super = "l", counter = ","} synctext = "Independent" synctype = 0 function newButton(text, fn) return { text = text, fn = fn, now = false, last = false } end function love.keyboard.mouseWasReleased() return love.keyboard.mouseisReleased end function autoSave(dt) autoTimer = autoTimer + dt end function balancer() if (player2score == 9 or player1score == 9) then shakeDuration = 5 if debug then --print("Shaking set to match almost over") end end if (player1score < player2score) then p1bonus = (player2score - player1score) * 5 else p1bonus = 0 end if (player2score < player1score) then p2bonus = (player1score - player2score) * 5 else p2bonus = 0 end end function newWall(wallx, wally, wallwidth, wallheight) return { wallx = wallx, wally = wally, walwidth = wallwidth, wallheight = wallheight } end speedParameters = {} buttons = {} IPselect = {} difbuttons = {} settings = {} walls = {} editorpicks = {} controlSettings = {} modeSelectorButtons = {} pracdiff = {} playerCountButtons = {} function controlChanger() if (gameState == "assign") then love.graphics.clear(50 / 255, 50 / 255, 50 / 255, 255) love.graphics.printf("SELECT BUTTON", 0, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, "center") end end function love.load() love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(true) simpleScale.setWindow(VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT) configfile = io.open("config.lua", "r") configsave = io.open("config.lua", "w") shader = love.graphics.newShader(shader_code) time_1 = 0 --print("Debug active") --load testwalls = love.filesystem.load("save.lua")() if testwalls ~= nil then walls = love.filesystem.load("save.lua")() end light = 0 image = love.graphics.newImage("Madi.png") table.insert( editorpicks, newButton( "C", function() for k in pairs(walls) do walls[k] = nil end end ) ) table.insert( editorpicks, newButton( "S", function() love.filesystem.write("save.lua", serialize(walls)) end ) ) table.insert( editorpicks, newButton( "L", function() walls = love.filesystem.load("save.lua")() end ) ) table.insert( buttons, newButton( "Singleplayer", function() gameState = "gameMode" end ) ) table.insert( buttons, newButton( "Online", function() MAP_TYPE = 0 gameState = "chooseIP" end ) ) table.insert( IPselect, newButton( "Host", function() globalState = "nettest" AGAINST_AI = 0 gameState = "1serve" end ) ) table.insert( IPselect, newButton( "Guest", function() globalState = "clienttest" AGAINST_AI = 0 gameState = "1serve" end ) ) table.insert( buttons, newButton( "Multiplayer", function() gameState = "multiMode" end ) ) table.insert( buttons, newButton( "Settings", function() AGAINST_AI = 0 gameState = "windowsettings" end ) ) table.insert( buttons, newButton( "Exit", function() love.event.quit(0) end ) ) table.insert( difbuttons, newButton( "Easy", function() hardmanager("easy") end ) ) table.insert( difbuttons, newButton( "Normal", function() hardmanager("normal") end ) ) table.insert( difbuttons, newButton( "Hard", function() hardmanager("hard") end ) ) table.insert( difbuttons, newButton( "Smart", function() hardmanager("smart") end ) ) --table.insert( -- settings, -- newButton( -- "Change Map", -- function() -- MAP_TYPE = MAP_TYPE + 1 -- end -- ) --) table.insert( settings, newButton( "Toggle Fullscreen", function() myscreen:toggle(VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, VIRTUAL_WIDTH) DIFFERENCE_X = myscreen.c DIFFERENCE_Y = myscreen.d end ) ) table.insert( settings, newButton( "Editor", function() gameState = "editor" end ) ) table.insert( settings, newButton( "Speed Settings", function() gameState = "speedSettings" end ) ) table.insert( settings, newButton( "Control Settings", function() gameState = "controlSettings" end ) ) table.insert( settings, newButton( "Back to Menu", function() gameState = "menu" end ) ) table.insert( speedParameters, newButton( "Back to Menu", function() gameState = "windowsettings" end ) ) --table.insert(speedParameters, newButton("Ball Speed: ", function() speedSetter('ball') end)) table.insert( playerCountButtons, newButton( "Ball Speed: ", function() speedSetter("ball") end ) ) --table.insert(speedParameters, newButton("snc", function() speedSetter('snc') end)) table.insert( playerCountButtons, newButton( "snc", function() speedSetter("snc") end ) ) table.insert( speedParameters, newButton( "NUCLEAR MODE", function() speedSetter("nuclearmod") end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "1up", function() gameState = "assign" req = "p1up" end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "1down", function() gameState = "assign" req = "p1down" end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "1special", function() gameState = "assign" req = "p1super" end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "1ct", function() gameState = "assign" req = "p1ct" end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "2up", function() gameState = "assign" req = "p2up" end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "2down", function() gameState = "assign" req = "p2down" end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "2special", function() gameState = "assign" req = "p2super" end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "2ct", function() gameState = "assign" req = "p2ct" end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "Default", function() p1control = {up = "a", down = "z", super = "s", counter = "x"} p2control = {up = ";", down = ".", super = "l", counter = ","} end ) ) table.insert( controlSettings, newButton( "Return", function() gameState = "windowsettings" end ) ) table.insert( modeSelectorButtons, newButton( "Nuclear Pong", function() gameState = "difficulty" end ) ) table.insert( modeSelectorButtons, newButton( "Main Menu", function() gameState = "menu" end ) ) table.insert( pracdiff, newButton( "Silverblade", function() speedSetter("practice") end ) ) table.insert( pracdiff, newButton( "Return", function() speedSetter("reset") gameState = "gameMode" end ) ) table.insert( pracdiff, newButton( "Go!", function() gameMode = "practice" hardmanager("practice") end ) ) --table.insert(playerCountButtons, newButton("1v1", function() speedSetter('pc') end)) table.insert( playerCountButtons, newButton( "ballCount", function() speedSetter("ballz") end ) ) table.insert( difbuttons, newButton( "ballCount", function() speedSetter("ballz") end ) ) table.insert( playerCountButtons, newButton( "Return", function() speedSetter("reset") gameState = "menu" end ) ) table.insert( playerCountButtons, newButton( "ptw", function() speedSetter("ptw") end ) ) table.insert( playerCountButtons, newButton( "Play", function() AGAINST_AI = 0 gameState = "1serve" globalState = "base" end ) ) table.insert( playerCountButtons, newButton( "Reverse Play", function() gameState = "1serve" gameMode = "reversegame" globalState = "base" end ) ) --table.insert(speedParameters, newButton("Ball Speed: ", function() speedSetter() end)) love.window.setTitle("NUCLEAR PONG") textphrases = { "Amazing", "Superb", "Absolutely beautiful!", "Awesome", "Look at That!", "Great", "Nice", "Boom!", "Dangerous!", "Astonishing!", "u/ebernerd saved me", "Absolutely Wonderful!", "Exsquisite", "Delicate", "Pow!", "Great Hit", "all hail nazarbayev" } sounds = { ["updateMusic"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/theme1.mp3", "static"), ["gayTheme"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/theme2.mp3", "static"), ["gayTheme2"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/theme3.mp3", "static"), ["gayTheme3"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/theme4.mp3", "static"), ["beep"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/hit1.mp3", "static"), ["wallhit"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/hit2.wav", "static"), ["win"] = love.audio.newSource("win.wav", "static"), ["score"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/score.wav", "static"), ["nuke"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/bomb.wav", "static"), ["striking"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/superhit.wav", "static"), ["nuclearhit"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/hit1.mp3", "static"), ["time"] = love.audio.newSource("audio/time.wav", "static") } love.graphics.setDefaultFilter("nearest", "nearest") --comic sans lmao math.randomseed(os.time()) smallfont = love.graphics.newFont("font.ttf", 25) scorefont = love.graphics.newFont("font.ttf", 60) love.graphics.setFont(smallfont) --push:setupScreen(VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, { -- fullscreen = isFullscreen, -- resizable = true, -- vsync = true, --}) player1score = 0 player2score = 0 areanuclear = 0 player1nukescore = 0 player2nukescore = 0 striken = 0 soundtype = 1 soundturn = 1 potentialstrike1 = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 potentialnuke1 = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 player1striken = 0 player2striken = 0 randomtext = 0 selecting = 0 number = 0 elec = 1 INDIC = { "", "", "", "" } --playe1nuke player1 = paddle(0, 30, 10, 100, 1) player2 = paddle(VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.99, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.88, 10, 100, 2) player3 = paddle(5000, 5000, 10, 100) player4 = paddle(5000, 5000, 10, 100) ball = {} ball[1] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) ball[2] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 1.9, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) ball[3] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 1.8, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) ball[4] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2.2, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) ball[5] = eball(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2.1, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 16, 16) myscreen = fullScreener(RESOLUTION_SET, isFullscreen, DIFFERENCE_X, DIFFERENCE_Y) mymenu = mainMenu() ballSpeed = 200 ballDX = math.random(2) == 1 and 100 or -100 ballDY = math.random(-50, 50) gameState = "animation" end t = 0 shakeDuration = 0 shakeMagnitude = 1 function startShake(duration, magnitude) t, shakeDuration, shakeMagnitude = 0, duration or 1, magnitude or 5 end function displayFPS() --love.window.setTitle(love.timer.getFPS()) love.window.setTitle(globalState .. " " .. gameState) if love.keyboard.isDown("space") then player1nukescore = 200 player1score = player1score + 0.2 player2nukescore = 200 end end function speedControl() if (ballSpeed > maxspeed and gameState == "play") then ballSpeed = maxspeed end end function love.update(dt) --print("IMPORTANT!!!!!" .. globalState .. gameState) staticanimatorcounter(dt) musicController('norm', 1) if debug then displayFPS() end if globalState == "base" then basegame(dt) end if globalState == "menu" then debugCheck(dt) end if globalState == "nettest" then --print("Confcode: " .. confirmation) if confirmation == "N" then basegame(dt) end nettest(dt) end if globalState == "clienttest" then ts = ts + dt if confirmation == "N" then lastSentKeyP1 = lastSentKeyClient clientsBaseGame(dt) end clienttest(dt) end end serverinit = false datawaspassedtimer = 0 clientinit = false function love.textinput(t) if gameState == "chooseIP" then IP = IP .. t end end function nettest(dt) if serverinit == false then local socket = require "socket" local address, port = IP, 12345 print(address) udp = socket.udp() udp:setpeername(address, port) udp:settimeout(0) serverinit = true end for i = 1, maxBalls do ts = ts + dt if ts > updaterate then udp:send(tostring(lastSentKey) .. '|' .. tostring(ball[1].dy) .. '|' .. tostring(player2.y) .. '|' .. tostring(player1.y) .. '|' .. tostring(player1score) .. '|' .. tostring(player2score) .. '|' .. tostring(player1nukescore) .. '|' .. tostring(player2nukescore) .. '|' .. tostring(ball[1].x) .. '|' .. tostring(ball[1].y) .. '|' .. gameState .. '|' .. tostring(ball[1].dx) .. '|' .. tostring(ballSpeed) .. '|' .. tostring(paddle_SPEED) .. "|HOST") ts = 0 end end local data local datanumtest = 0 local datawaspassed = false repeat datanumtest = datanumtest + 1 print("LATENCY: " .. tostring(datanumtest)) data = udp:receive() if data then datawaspassed = true print("ReceivedINFO: " .. data) confirmation = "N" local p = split(data, '|') if p[15] then if p[15] ~= "CLIENT" then confirmation = "U" end else confirmation = "U" end if tonumber(p[16]) > 90 then confirmation = "L" end if (ball[1].dx > 0 and ball[1].x >= 40) or (ball[1].dx <= 0 and ball[1].x > VIRTUAL_WIDTH - 40) then die = tonumber(p[2]) lastSentKeyClient, ball[1].dy, player2.y, player1score, player2score, player1nukescore, player2nukescore, ball[1].x, ball[1].y, gameState, ball[1].dx, ballSpeed, paddle_SPEED = p[1], die, tonumber(p[4]), tonumber(p[5]), tonumber(p[6]), tonumber(p[7]), tonumber(p[8]), tonumber(p[9]), tonumber(p[10]), p[11], tonumber(p[12]), tonumber(p[13]), tonumber(p[14]) else lastSentKeyClient = p[1] player2.y = tonumber(p[4]) end end until not data if not datawaspassed then datawaspassedtimer = datawaspassedtimer + 1 if datawaspassedtimer > 5 then confirmation = "D" datawaspassedtimer = 0 end else datawaspassedtimer = 0 end end function clienttest(dt) if clientinit == false then local socket = require "socket" local address, port = IP, 12345 udp = socket.udp() udp:setpeername(address, port) udp:settimeout(0) udp:send(tostring(lastSentKey) ..'|' .. player2.y .. "|CLIENT") clientinit = true end ts = ts + dt if ts > updaterate then udp:send(tostring(lastSentKey) .. '|' .. tostring(ball[1].dy) .. '|' .. tostring(player1.y) .. '|' .. tostring(player2.y) .. '|' .. tostring(player1score) .. '|' .. tostring(player2score) .. '|' .. tostring(player1nukescore) .. '|' .. tostring(player2nukescore) .. '|' .. tostring(ball[1].x) .. '|' .. tostring(ball[1].y) .. '|' .. gameState .. '|' .. tostring(ball[1].dx) .. '|' .. tostring(ballSpeed) .. '|' .. tostring(paddle_SPEED) .. "|CLIENT") ts = 0 end local data local datanumtest = 0 local datawaspassed = false repeat datanumtest = datanumtest + 1 print("LATENCY: " .. tostring(datanumtest)) data = udp:receive() if data then print("RECEIVED DATA: " .. data) datawaspassed = true print("SENT TO SERVER:" .. lastSentKey) confirmation = "N" local p = split(data, '|') if p[15] then if p[15] ~= "HOST" then confirmation = "U" end if tonumber(p[16]) > 90 then confirmation = "L" end for i = 1, maxBalls do local die = tonumber(p[2]) if (ball[i].dx <= 0 and ball[i].x < VIRTUAL_WIDTH - 40) or (ball[i].dx > 0 and ball[i].x < 40) then lastSentKeyClient, ball[i].dy, player1.y, player1score, player2score, player1nukescore, player2nukescore, ball[i].x, ball[i].y, gameState, ball[i].dx, ballSpeed, paddle_SPEED = p[1], die, tonumber(p[4]), tonumber(p[5]), tonumber(p[6]), tonumber(p[7]), tonumber(p[8]), tonumber(p[9]), tonumber(p[10]), p[11], tonumber(p[12]), tonumber(p[13]), tonumber(p[14]) else lastSentKeyClient = p[1] player1.y = tonumber(p[4]) end end else confirmation = "U" end end print("GOT: " .. lastSentKeyClient) until not data if not datawaspassed then datawaspassedtimer = datawaspassedtimer + 1 if datawaspassedtimer > 5 then confirmation = "D" datawaspassedtimer = 0 end else datawaspassedtimer = 0 end end function wallbreaker(x, y) if (gameState == "editor") then for i, wall in ipairs(walls) do if math.abs(wall.wallx - x) < 10 and math.abs(wall.wally - y) < 10 then table.remove(walls, i) end end end end function hardmanager(diff) selecting = 1 if (diff == "easy") then INDIC[1] = ">" AGAINST_AI = 1 AI_SPEED = ballSet / 10 AI_STRIKEMOD = 100 AI_NUKEMOD = 1000 AI_LEVEL = 350 difficultyl = 200 selecting = 0 gameState = "1serve" globalState = "base" end if (diff == "normal") then INDIC[2] = ">" AI_SPEED = ballSet / 10 AI_LEVEL = 500 AI_NUKEMOD = 250 AI_STRIKEMOD = 60 AGAINST_AI = 1 difficultyl = 300 selecting = 0 gameState = "1serve" globalState = "base" end if (diff == "hard") then INDIC[3] = ">" AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 1.1 + 50 AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED / 10 AI_LEVEL = 700 AI_NUKEMOD = 200 AI_STRIKEMOD = 20 selecting = 0 difficultyl = 350 AGAINST_AI = 1 gameState = "1serve" globalState = "base" end if (diff == "smart") then INDIC[3] = ">" AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 1.1 + 50 AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED / 10 AI_LEVEL = 1500 AI_NUKEMOD = 200 AI_STRIKEMOD = 20 selecting = 0 difficultyl = 350 AGAINST_AI = 1 gameState = "1serve" globalState = "base" end if (diff == "practice") then INDIC[3] = ">" AI_SPEED = ballSpeed * 500 + 50 AI_SPEED = AI_SPEED / 10 AI_LEVEL = 700 AI_NUKEMOD = 9000000000 AI_STRIKEMOD = 90000000 selecting = 0 difficultyl = 350 AGAINST_AI = 1 gameState = "base" end end function dangerChecker() --CHECK IF CONTROLS ARE DUPLICATING if (p1control.up == p1control.down) then danger = "1up" danger2 = "1down" elseif (p1control.up == p1control.super) then danger = "1up" danger2 = "1special" elseif (p1control.up == p1control.counter) then danger = "1up" danger2 = "1ct" elseif (p1control.down == p1control.super) then danger = "1down" danger2 = "1special" elseif (p1control.down == p1control.counter) then danger = "1ct" danger2 = "1down" elseif (p1control.super == p1control.counter) then danger = "1special" danger2 = "1ct" elseif (p2control.down == p2control.up) then danger = "2down" danger2 = "2up" elseif (p2control.down == p2control.super) then danger = "2down" danger2 = "2special" elseif (p2control.down == p2control.counter) then danger = "2down" danger2 = "2ct" elseif (p2control.up == p2control.super) then danger = "2up" danger2 = "2special" elseif (p2control.up == p2control.counter) then danger = "2ct" danger2 = "2up" elseif (p2control.super == p2control.counter) then danger = "2special" danger2 = "2ct" else danger = "none" danger2 = "none" end end function love.keypressed(key) lastSentKey = key if gameState == "chooseIP" then if key == "backspace" then -- get the byte offset to the last UTF-8 character in the string. local byteoffset = utf8.offset(IP, -1) if byteoffset then -- remove the last UTF-8 character. -- string.sub operates on bytes rather than UTF-8 characters, so we couldn't do string.sub(text, 1, -2). IP = string.sub(IP, 1, byteoffset - 1) end end end if gameState == "assign" then if (req == "p1up") then p1control.up = key currentKey = key --love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = "controlSettings" end if (req == "p2up") then p2control.up = key currentKey = key --love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = "controlSettings" end if (req == "p1down") then p1control.down = key currentKey = key --love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = "controlSettings" end if (req == "p2down") then p2control.down = key currentKey = key -- love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = "controlSettings" end if (req == "p1super") then p1control.super = key currentKey = key -- love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = "controlSettings" end if (req == "p2super") then p2control.super = key currentKey = key -- love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = "controlSettings" end if (req == "p1ct") then p1control.counter = key currentKey = key -- love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = "controlSettings" end if (req == "p2ct") then p2control.counter = key currentKey = key --love.window.setTitle(key) gameState = "controlSettings" end end if key == "escape" then TEXT = "Escape Key" love.event.quit() elseif key == "enter" or key == "return" then if gameState == "start" then resettinggenius() gameState = "menu" globalState = "menu" hardmanager() elseif (gameState == "done") then if (player1score > player2score) then gameState = "2serve" potentialnuke1 = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 striken = 0 if (nuckemodactive == 0) then areanuclear = 0 nuclearanimation = 3 end potentialstrike1 = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 player1nukescore = 0 player2nukescore = 0 else gameState = "1serve" resettinggenius() for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end end else gameState = "menu" globalState = "menu" if (love.math.random(0, 10) == 1) then TEXT = "Nuclear Ching Chong" else TEXT = "Nuclear Pong" end resettinggenius() for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end end end end function love.keyreleased(key) currentKey = " " if lastSentKey == key then lastSentKey = "g" end end function speedSetter(requesttype) if (requesttype == "ball") then if (ballSet > 550) then ballSet = 0 paddle_SPEED = 0 else ballSet = ballSet + 50 paddle_SPEED = paddle_SPEED + 5 end ballSpeed = ballSet end if (requesttype == "snc") then synctype = synctype + 1 if (synctype > 1) then synctype = 0 end if synctype == 0 then synctext = "Independent" end if synctype == 1 then synctext = "Synchronised" end end if (requesttype == "nuclearmod") then nuckemodactive = nuckemodactive + 1 if (nuckemodactive > 1) then nuckemodactive = 0 end if (nuckemodactive == 0) then areanuclear = 0 nuclearanimation = 3 ballSet = 200 TEXT = "Nuclear Pong" synctype = 0 maxspeed = 700 synctext = "Independent" paddle_SPEED = ballSet / 10 AI_SPEED = ballSet / 10 end if (nuckemodactive == 1) then areanuclear = 1 ballSet = 2000 maxspeed = 2000 paddle_SPEED = ballSet / 10 AI_SPEED = ballSet / 10 synctext = "death is imminent" end ballSpeed = ballSet end if (requesttype == "practice") then if (ballSpeed > 999) then ballSpeed = 200 ballSet = 200 end if (ballSpeed > 799) then prtext = "Insane" maxBalls = 5 elseif ballSpeed > 599 then prtext = "Hard" maxBalls = 4 elseif ballSpeed > 399 then prtext = "Normal" maxBalls = 3 elseif ballSpeed > 199 then prtext = "Easy" maxBalls = 3 end ballSpeed = ballSpeed + 200 ballSet = ballSet + 200 end if (requesttype == "reset") then ballSpeed = 200 ballSet = 200 synctype = 0 prtext = "Easy" maxBalls = 1 end if (requesttype == "pc") then if (playerCount == 2) then playerCount = 1 playertext = "1v1" elseif (playerCount == 1) then playerCount = playerCount + 1 player3.x = player1.x + VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 player3.y = player3.y playertext = "2v2" end end if (requesttype == "ballz") then if (maxBalls > 1) then --love.window.setTitle("more than 4") maxBalls = 1 else maxBalls = maxBalls + 1 end end if requesttype == "ptw" then if ptw == 10 then ptw = 1 else ptw = ptw + 1 end end end function gameModeChanger() if (gameState == "gameMode") then local button_width = VIRTUAL_WIDTH * (1 / 3) local BUTTON_HEIGHT = 50 local margin = 20 local hot = false local cursor_y = 0 local total_height = (BUTTON_HEIGHT + margin) * #buttons for i, button in ipairs(modeSelectorButtons) do button.last = button.now local bx = (VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5) - (button_width * 0.5) local by = (VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.5) - (total_height * 0.5) + cursor_y local color = {255, 255, 255, 255} local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() mx = mx * DIFFERENCE_X my = my * DIFFERENCE_Y hot = (mx > bx and mx < bx + button_width and my > by and my < by + BUTTON_HEIGHT) and i if (hot == i) then color = {10, 10, 0, 255} end button.now = love.mouse.isDown(1) if button.now and not button.last and hot == i then love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT) sounds["wallhit"]:play() button.fn() end love.graphics.setColor(unpack(color)) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", bx, by, button_width, BUTTON_HEIGHT) love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 255) local textW = smallfont:getWidth(button.text) local textH = smallfont:getHeight(button.text) love.graphics.print(button.text, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) cursor_y = cursor_y + (BUTTON_HEIGHT + margin) end end if (gameState == "multiMode") then local button_width = VIRTUAL_WIDTH * (1 / 3) local BUTTON_HEIGHT = 50 local margin = 20 local hot = false local cursor_y = 0 local total_height = (BUTTON_HEIGHT + margin) * #buttons for i, button in ipairs(playerCountButtons) do button.last = button.now local bx = (VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5) - (button_width * 0.5) local by = (VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.3) - (total_height * 0.5) + cursor_y if (button.text == "Play") then by = by + by / 1.8 end local color = {255, 255, 255, 255} local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() mx = mx * DIFFERENCE_X my = my * DIFFERENCE_Y hot = (mx > bx and mx < bx + button_width and my > by and my < by + BUTTON_HEIGHT) and i if (hot == i) then if (button.text == "Play") then color = {0 / 255, 255 / 255, 0 / 255, 255} else color = {10, 10, 0, 255} end end button.now = love.mouse.isDown(1) if button.now and not button.last and hot == i then love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT) sounds["wallhit"]:play() if button.text == "Ball Speed: " and nuckemodactive == 1 then else button.fn() end end love.graphics.setColor(unpack(color)) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", bx, by, button_width, BUTTON_HEIGHT) love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 255) local textW = smallfont:getWidth(button.text) local textH = smallfont:getHeight(button.text) if (button.text == "1v1") then love.graphics.print(playertext, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5) elseif button.text == "snc" then if (nuckemodactive == 1) then love.graphics.setColor(1, 0, 0, 1) love.graphics.print(synctext, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print(synctext, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5) love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1) else -- love.graphics.print(synctext, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.45 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5) end elseif (button.text == "ballCount") then love.graphics.print( "Ball Count: " .. maxBalls, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5 ) elseif (button.text == "Ball Speed: ") then if (nuckemodactive == 1) then love.graphics.setColor(1, 0, 0, 1) love.graphics.print( "shaitan machina", smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5 ) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print( "shaitan machina", smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5 ) love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1) else love.graphics.print( button.text .. ballSet, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5 ) end elseif button.text == "ptw" then love.graphics.print( "Points to Win: " .. ptw, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 1.5, by + textH * 0.5 ) else love.graphics.print(button.text, smallfont, VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5 - textW * 0.5, by + textH * 0.5) end love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255) cursor_y = cursor_y + (BUTTON_HEIGHT + margin) end end end function love.draw() simpleScale.set() baseDraw() if (globalState == "nettest" or globalState == "clienttest") and confirmation == "D" then love.graphics.clear(50 / 255, 50 / 255, 50 / 255, 255) love.graphics.printf("WAIT FOR OPPONENT", 0, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, "center") end if (globalState == "nettest" or globalState == "clienttest") and confirmation == "U" then love.graphics.clear(50 / 255, 50 / 255, 50 / 255, 255) love.graphics.printf("LOBBY FULL OR WRONG MODE CHOSEN", 0, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, "center") end if (globalState == "nettest" or globalState == "clienttest") and confirmation == "L" then love.graphics.clear(50 / 255, 50 / 255, 50 / 255, 255) love.graphics.printf("POOR CONNECTION TO SERVER", 0, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2, VIRTUAL_WIDTH, "center") end simpleScale.unSet() end --Check if controls are duplicating function controllerSer() for i = 1, maxBalls do if (ball[i].dy == 0) then hitNum[i] = hitNum[i] + 1 if hitNum[i] >= 10 then ball[i].dy = 1 hitNum[i] = 0 end else hitNum[i] = 0 end end end function palleteController() --!!!!LEGACY CODE, MIGRATED TO Paddle.lua!!!! if (areanuclear == 0) then player1.RED = 1 player1.GREEN = 1 player1.BLUE = 1 end if (areanuclear == 0) then player2.RED = 1 player2.GREEN = 1 player2.BLUE = 1 end if (areanuclear == 1) then player1.RED = 0 player1.GREEN = 0 player1.BLUE = 0 end if (areanuclear == 1) then player2.RED = 0 player2.GREEN = 0 player2.BLUE = 0 end end function love.wheelmoved(x, y) if (y < 0 and wall1width > 0) then wall1width = wall1width - 5 elseif y > 0 and wall1width < 900 then wall1width = wall1width + 5 end end function serveBot() --THIS IS USED TO CHANGE TEXT/BALL DIRECTION ON DIFFERENT SERVES --print("servebot called") if (gameState == "1serve") then updateTEXT = "" if (gameMode ~= "practice") then TEXT = "PLAYER 1, serve!(q)" end if ((globalState ~= "clienttest" and love.keyboard.isDown("q")) or (globalState == "clienttest" and lastSentKeyP1 == "q")) then TEXT = "Lets Begin!" ball_DIR = 1 for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end gameState = "play" end end if (gameState == "2serve") then TEXT = "PLAYER 2, serve!(p)" if (AGAINST_AI == 1) then TEXT = "" ball_DIR = -1 for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end gameState = "play" end if (((globalState == "nettest" and lastSentKeyClient == "p") or ((globalState ~= "nettest") and love.keyboard.isDown("p")))and AGAINST_AI == 0) then TEXT = "Lets Begin" ball_DIR = -1 for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end --love.window.setTitle("An atttttttt") gameState = "play" end end end function mapChanger() if (gameState == "editor") then MAP_TYPE = 2 end if (MAP_TYPE > 2) then MAP_TYPE = 0 end end function resolutionChanger() if (RESOLUTION_SET > 1) then RESOLUTION_SET = 0 end if (RESOLUTION_SET == 0) then if (isFullscreen == 1) then DIFFERENCE_X = 1 DIFFERENCE_Y = 1 simpleScale.updateWindow(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, {fullscreen = false}) isFullscreen = 0 end end if (RESOLUTION_SET == 1) then if (isFullscreen == 0) then simpleScale.updateWindow(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, {fullscreen = true}) local newWidth = love.graphics.getWidth() local newHeight = love.graphics.getHeight() DIFFERENCE_X = VIRTUAL_WIDTH / newWidth DIFFERENCE_Y = VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / newHeight isFullscreen = 1 end end end function resettinggenius() maxBalls = 1 for i = 1, maxBalls do ball[i]:reset(i) end paddle_SPEED = 20 nuclearanimation = 3 timeIsSlow = false timeIsSlow2 = false originalSpeed = 200 gameState = "menu" globalState = "menu" gameMode = "normal" player1.height = 100 player2.height = 100 ballSet = 200 ballSpeed = ballSet player2.GREEN = 255 player2.BLUE = 255 player1.GREEN = 255 player1.BLUE = 255 player1score = 0 player2score = 0 potentialnuke1 = 0 potentialnuke2 = 0 striken = 0 areanuclear = 0 potentialstrike1 = 0 potentialstrike2 = 0 player1nukescore = 0 player2nukescore = 0 player1reverbav = 0 player2reverbav = 0 selecting = 0 AGAINST_AI = 0 end function love.mousereleased(x, y, button) love.keyboard.mouseisReleased = true if (gameState == "editor") then if (#walls < 1000 and button == 1 and blockinput ~= true) then table.insert(walls, newWall(x * DIFFERENCE_X, y * DIFFERENCE_Y, 10, wall1width)) end end end function ballsAlive() for i = 1, maxBalls do if ball[i].disabled == false then print("Ball " .. i .. " is not disabled") return true end end return false end function split(s, delimiter) result = {} for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do table.insert(result, match) end return result end