paddle = Class{} function paddle:init(x, y, width, height, player) self.RED = 255 self.GREEN = 255 self.BLUE = 255 self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.dy = 0 self.xy = x self.yx = y self.velocity = 0 self.shadowbonus = 0 self.player = player end function paddle:update(dt) --love.window.setTitle(tostring(player1.velocity * dt) .. " " .. tostring(player1.dy) .. " " .. tostring(dt) ) if areanuclear == 0 then self.RED = 1 self.GREEN = 1 self.BLUE = 1 else self.RED = 0 self.GREEN = 0 self.BLUE = 0 end if ((self.player == 1 and timeIsSlow2) or self.player == 2 and timeIsSlow) then self.dy = self.dy / 2 end if (self.dy == 0) then self.velocity = self.velocity - (self.velocity - self.velocity / (1.4))*dt*20 if (self.velocity*dt < 0.5 and self.velocity*dt > -0.5) then self.velocity = 0 end else self.velocity = self.velocity + self.dy*7*dt end if (self.velocity < 0) then if (self.y > 0) then self.y = self.y + self.velocity * dt else self.velocity = 0 end elseif (self.velocity > 0) then if (self.y < VIRTUAL_HEIGHT - 80) then self.y = self.y + self.velocity * dt else self.velocity = 0 end else self.velocity = 0 end if ((timeIsSlow == false and self.player == 1) or (timeIsSlow2 == false and self.player == 2)) then if (math.abs(self.yx - self.y) < 11) then self.yx = self.y end if (self.yx < self.y) then self.yx = self.yx + math.abs(paddle_SPEED/1.7) * 7 * dt elseif (self.yx > self.y) then self.yx = self.yx - math.abs(paddle_SPEED/1.7) * 7 * dt end end end function paddle:render(), self.GREEN, self.BLUE, 60/255)'fill', self.xy, self.yx, self.width, self.height, 20, 20), self.GREEN, self.BLUE, 255)'fill', self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, 20, 20), 255, 255, 255) end